FOR THE “WARM YOU HEART RAFFLE”; Prizes can be picked-up at the Parish Office during regular office hours. Call 814-827-4636 for more information.
Thank you to our fundraising committee: Melissa Singh, Sarah Oviatt, Laura Tenney and Sarah Braun.
Congratulations to all our winners! And a sincere thank you to all the parishioners who made donations for prizes and bought tickets. We couldn’t run our Faith Formation program without the support of all the parish families. We will have part 2 of our raffle next fall. Thanks so much!
Click HERE for the 2025 St. Titus Lenten Schedule
Please NOTE: The Mass Schedule for Easter Sunday is 8AM AND 10AM (reg. Mass times for Sunday)
Lenten Penance Services:
Sunday, March 30, 2025, 3pm (St. Titus, Titusville)
Sunday, April 6, 2025, 3pm (St. Michael, Fryburg)
Sunday, April 13, 2025, 3pm (Immaculate Conception, Clarion)
Click HERE for the 5 Things You Should Not Do During Lent
Click HERE for the Results of the “WARM YOUR HEART” Raffle
Click HERE for the Prayer for
Pope Francis
Jan-Dec 2025 Saturday 430PM Ministries schedule
Jan-Dec 2025 Sunday 8am & 10am Ministries schedule
Click HERE for Diocese
website for CSA
Mass Times
Tuesday: 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM
Thursday: 8:30 AM
Friday: 8:30 AM
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM*
Office Hours
Fax: 814-827-3958
Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday:
- Reverend Daniel R. Hoffman, Parish Priest
- Deacon Kevin Harmon, Deacon Assistant
- Diana Mancini, Administrative Assistant
- Kathleen Puleo, Faith Formation Coordinator
- Margaret Bernecky, Music Minister
- Greg Tress, Maintenance
- Bob Beauchat, St. Catharine's Cemetery
Sacrament Information:
New Parishioners are always welcome. Please stop by the rectory office to complete a census form.
Sacrament of Anointing: Please let us know when a family member or friend is ill, either at home, in the hospital, or at the nursing home.
Sacrament of Baptism: By appointment only.
Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made six months prior to the ceremony.
Sacrament of Penance: Saturday: St. Titus 3:00-4:00pm or by arrangement.
In this age when personal data can be misused by scam artists, please be aware that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie, clergy, and entities such as parishes and schools will never solicit your personal or business information by any method unless initiated by you. Should you receive an unsolicited request for such information, exercise extreme caution. Contact the person or entity by using the official contact information. Do not respond using the contact information in the potential fraudulent request.